Dreams #12: Give Me a Rack of Lamb and a Third Man

 Billy Bing is an entity; entities are not to be trusted for serious life advice. The Witches of Grimoire encourage you to seek out the services of licensed therapists and other avenues of support for that sort of thing, not internet entities who may or may not be a human with a dream encyclopedia. We care about you.

Dear Billy, 

I just woke from the craziest, scariest dream I've had in a while. I am lying in a bed with my boyfriend talking about our day, then we hear a crash sound outside at a barn nearby. So, we investigate the sound. Once we get there, we go inside only to find his brother dead. We are so upset; I try giving him CPR but can’t bring him back. When we get back to the house, we are automatically placed upstairs with my mother. She keeps repeating that she is sorry for everything bad that has ever happened in my life; this goes on for a while. I finally get irritated with her and try to get her to shut up. Once I get close enough to see her eyes, they are yellow cat eyes, and it tells me my mother is no longer there. Me and my boyfriend freak out, and there is another person with us but I'm unsure who it is. We frantically run downstairs to the front door, trying to get away, but it is locked. As we turn to go to the next exit, the front door tries to open by itself to lure us apart, but somehow me and my old man make it out. Then we get into his vehicle to leave. There is a cat with us, which at first seems harmless—until it tries biting into my neck, so I throw it out the window of the car. We make it to a new location, only to be hunted down by this demon again. And then I woke up; it really freaked me out. That's why I'm not back asleep yet and writing to you.  

—Cat Eyes Keep Me Up at Night

Billy knows your dreams, and he also knows about the third man—a phenomenon common to those traveling close to death and disaster. Their minds conjure a third figure to walk with them up the snowy mountain, to take their hand in the forest, even when no one else is actually here. Billy hopes that he may be such a friend to you, because you are indeed traveling in the dark. 

A brother is usually a sign of a long and happy relationship ahead, if you watch your words carefully. However, a dead brother—especially next to a barn, symbol of untrustworthy love—is less auspicious. There is no gaining back what has been lost; you can pour all your breath into your lost connection, but it will never breathe on its own again. 

The presence of a mother evokes a sense of responsibility; much as you try to breathe for your relationship over and over again, she tries to tell you over and over again that she is sorry for the past. What do you think you are to blame for—or for whom are you being made to feel responsible? An apology is a sign of financial gain to come, yellow is the color of victory, and eyes prophesy a coming change. Whose victory? Whose gain? We cannot see. We hope it is yours. Be careful. To be pursued by a demon cat means you are indeed being hunted, but by conniving forces on earth. To be bitten when you think you are safe means that your feelings will catch up to you when you least expect it.  

Look carefully at your old man. Your dream conspired to part you from him—which you did not want—but you were found and bitten all the same. There are forces at play here beyond what you can see. Sometimes the demon is the one who is already beside you. 

See the world through with your own yellow eyes to find your right path.

Dear Billy,

Hi, so this is gonna sound crazy, but here goes. I just woke up from a crazy dream. I am sitting inside a lovely house by a big bay window facing the long straight driveway. In the dream are: 

  • my 2 dead dogs (Snickers (10yrs old) & Brenda (9yrs old). They were a mother-daughter duo who just passed away last April. Snickers was my brother's dog; Brenda was my dog. 

  • My Dead Aunt Paula. (We were really close when she was alive. She has been gone for almost 10 years now. 

Okay, so my brother is outside making sure the cars were being parked so as to not block up the driveway. My kids are playing in the fenced-in yard with our dogs. So, everyone is having a great time. I had made a huge dinner and was just enjoying the view out the window. Suddenly my Aunt comes in the door and says, "Hey Missy Moo, the food smells amazing! What is it that you made?" As I fix my mouth to say, "rack of lamb," she says: "Is it a rack of lamb, like I made for you when A (my 20-year-old son) was a baby?" I start grinning from ear to ear and say, "Yup, I've never made it before, but I made it specially for you from the memory of the only time I ever had it." She smiles, laughs, and says, "I can't wait to try it." Then we go sit and eat at the table. Everyone is there, but I can only see and hear her.

Before I can even take a bite of food, I start choking on a string. (It's like if you accidentally swallow a strand of hair or something similar and it feels like it's caught on something deep in the esophagus and you can't breathe.) So I'm choking and can't breathe at all; everything is fading, and I'm on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen. My aunt says, "It's ok, Missy, your time is not now.” She grabs this string and pulls it out of my mouth.

I woke up coughing and gagging and could not catch my breath. I drank some water and still felt like I was choking. Her hands were warm when she touched me in the dream, but as I lay here awake, all I feel are the cold remnants of where her hands were to help me not die.

I have no idea what this means. I was very close to my Aunt when she was alive. 

Also some other key facts:

  • Missy Moo: she has NOT called me this since I was a little girl, like age seven or eight. It was a childhood nickname. My name is Autumn.

  • I've only ever had a rack of lamb one time in my forty years of life. She made it for me when my twenty-year-old was nine months old.

  • The house we were in I've never been in or seen before this dream, but it felt like my home. There were memories all throughout the house; I could feel them.

  • Aside from my Dead Aunt just this one time, I've only ever dreamed of my dead grandma. Every time I've ever dreamt about my grandma it has been a scary, eerie premonition that she has shown me. My grandma rarely speaks in my “premonition dreams,” just shows me what's to come when it's a bad thing that I can prevent in some capacity. If and when Grandma has spoken to me, it is usually one or two distorted words and nothing more, just visions of what’s to come.

  • Aunt Paula is the only dead relative to have a small conversation with me in a dream that was not distorted.

  • My brother and Aunt haven't spoken in a long time. They were not close at all. 

I am sorry, there is a lot to unpack here, but I have no idea what any of this means. Maybe you can help?

Thank you in advance,


(Yes, this is my real first name. No, my parents were not hippies. No, I was not named after the “Puff, The Magic Dragon” song.)


Billy says: A bay window tells Billy that you need a quiet space to be, to think through what is coming next for you. While the change that is coming in your life may not involve a magic dragon, it will be a significant one—and a good one, if you make it so. 

Kind and helpful interactions with our beloved dead show a great opportunity for goodness in your future, if you are careful about the details—as you already know from the warnings your grandmother has given you in the past. An aunt in particular shows the potential for financial gains in the future. A brother is an omen of strong, good relationships, if you watch your words. Stay aware of those who are watching over you with love and grace, even if they feel estranged. Playful dogs—especially the spirits of furred friends we have lost before, who themselves were deeply bonded to each other—tell us to let down our walls, play-bow, and let tell the ones we love how much we care. A rack of lamb from a dear one is an invitation to change your lifestyle, to feast on freedoms and greater opportunity. Sons are lucky plans that can be brought to fruition. To be called a nickname is extremely lucky, and a sign of success on multiple fronts. Keep a close eye out for anyone in your life who reminds you of your Aunt Paula—they will be ready to help you. The string is a further message: follow the thread of new friendships and new connections, and accept their challenge to try new ways of living.

All of this may be overwhelming. You may choke as all this newness is being pulled out of you faster than you would like, but if you focus on who really matters, and treat them well, you’ll find much to celebrate. Remember the feeling of warmth and belonging you felt in the dream house, even though it wasn’t your home. A cold hand is still a helping hand. Take a deep breath, and be ready to receive your gifts.